
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Long Days and New Things

I came down with the flu yesterday, which hasn't happened in forever! I almost never get really really sick, but I guess my body had had enough and down I went. It's okay though - I have had more time to work on some projects and do some planning. And resting, of course.

This new year has brought some new projects, new ideas, and new plans for me. This first one isn't exactly new, but -

- I would love to knit and crochet full-time. I don't know if I would get sick of being at home all the time, or knitting and crocheting in general, but I still wish I could do it all the same.

- I am hoping to design my first sweater this year. Not sure yet whether it will be crocheted or knitted - my crocheting skills are older and more mature than my knitting skills, unfortunately, but I love the look of knit garments so much more than crochet. We'll have to see what happens.

- I am testing my first pattern! A girl on Ravelry was asking for help, and I offered my services. I love pattern-writing and editing, and obviously I love crafting, so I have been more than happy to help her out with her first pattern. I am hoping to do more of this in the coming year!

- This blog needs a bit of an update. Perhaps this month. Perhaps today. I'm thinking a bit wider, with more room for the sidebar and perhaps more tabs up top, or dividing up the tabs between the top and the side. I dunno.

- I've been knitting my first ever colorwork projects! I made a pair of gloves, a hat, and some legwarmers using this cool technique called stranding. I've seen it before, but never been brave enough to try it, let alone design with it. But whaddya know? I bought myself a design journal with graph paper in it, learned how to design my own colorwork patterns using Excel, and was off like a shot! Two patterns to show for it so far; hopefully more to come!

- I want to improve my photography! This means buying some props (like backgrounds) and teaching myself some new techniques. Also really wishing I could buy a 35mm, but my bank account and conscience won't let me just yet.

Those are some of my plans and ideas and wishes. Back to my sick-day knitting...wanna see a peek of my newest project?

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