Monday, January 21, 2008

Current projects.

I am currently making a bag, a fisherman's sweater, and a blanket. The bag is really quick and fun to do, the sweater is taking a while to finish (it's on an experienced level), and the blanket is easy because all I have to do are make a lot of little squares that take ten minutes each to complete.

The bag is made of a soft, red chenille yarn and a fluffy boucle-type of yarn. It's really easy, like recess from the sweater I'm doing. :)

The sweater is being worked in a country blue, acrylic yarn. It has an interesting design of front-post crochet on the front, back, and sleeves. It's been really fun to work up, but I had some trouble figuring out the sleeves. I'm following a magazine pattern, and it took me a couple minutes to translate a difficult piece of direction. It's going beautifully now, though. Can't wait till it's finished!

The blanket is going to be made of granny squares, which are classic and really easy to work up. They're going to be burgundy, coffee, and the same blue of the above-mentioned sweater I'm doing. Really nice. I can't wait until that's finished either!

Pictures will be coming soon!

1 comment :

  1. Wow...a sweater, that's impressive! I can't wait to see the pictures...thanks for the heads up.
