I sold my first item on Etsy! Excitements galore.
For those of you not familiar with my past crafty endeavors, I have tried several times before to sell items on Etsy. First I tried a few hats and gloves. Then I tried my crochet jewelry. Then I tried ribbon handbags that I sewed. Nothing worked and nothing sold, and I got frustrated and took everything out of my shop.
Then, as I posted here a few days ago, I tried again. I listed a few items to start with (Colorata Earrings and Birch Bracelet), re-wrote my shop's About description, re-did my banner, and uploaded new profile pics. I didn't think anything would come of it, but I wanted to try. These were creations that I loved, that I most wanted to try selling because they're some of my favorite designs.
And, lo and behold, yesterday I checked my Paypal e-mail and thought, "Wow, someone must have bought a TON of patterns to pay me this much money-" and then I saw the Etsy congratulatory e-mail on selling my first item from my shop. For real!?
I will not lie. I skipped and hopped for joy.
I don't know if this will go anywhere. I don't even know if I will make any more sales. But it doesn't matter. It was extremely encouraging and exciting and such a wonderful surprise.
I will continue to list items - I love taking the photos and writing out the item descriptions - Etsy makes everything look so nice and professional, does it not? Here's a glimpse of my shop in case you haven't seen it yet:
This is such an exciting new chapter in my creative journey. Thank you for letting me share it with you!
Congratulations!! :O)))) Raphaele xx (my english is bad, so i can't write very much :O)