Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Apartment Living Tips, Part II

Since my last post on apartment living was so wildly successful (500+ repins on Pinterest and counting, not to mention over 3000 pageviews here on the blog!), I decided to write down some more tips for you fellow apartment-dwellers. I guess you could say this is sort of the Bed & Bath Edition of my Apartment Living Tips. Enjoy!

1. Laundry. Everyone hates doing laundry. Washing/drying it is all right (unless you're lugging it to a laundromat), but folding it is the worst part. Make it easier on yourself, and make sure all your items of clothing are right side out before you toss them in the washing machine! They will be easy to fold and separate. A simple way to ensure this is to keep your clothes right side out when changing and undressing. I don't know about you, but turning pair after pair of socks and shirt after shirt right-side-out drives me crazy!

2. Floor Space. Keeping your floor clean and free of clutter can be a challenge, especially if you are rushing around. Try hanging up or folding and putting away your clothes as soon as you take them off, instead of tossing them on the floor.

3. Receipts/Paperwork. Okay, so a lot of you might not deal with receipts, but I try to faithfully update my account register. Sometimes a month goes by and the receipts pile up, but I try! Tip: update your register as soon as you make a purchase. Something I definitely need to get better at - it will sure cut down on the ugly pile of receipts!

4. The Bathroom. This is very very important. See these wipes?

They are your best friend. Use them on everything - the sink, the counter, the faucet, EVERYTHING. I normally buy Clorox, but I was cheap the last time I picked up a canister.

And see these towels?

Change them often. Especially the hand towel, and especially if you are sharing a bathroom.

5. Your Bed. Change your sheets as often as you can remember.

Do you like my quilt? My grandmother made it. 

 I have two sets of  twin sheets, and I try to wash one set every few weeks. (Sometimes it's a little longer than that...) Side note: I don't know what it is about sheets - I don't mind washing them, drying them, or even folding them, but I absolutely despise making up a bed with them. Maybe it's because my bed is approximately 12 inches off the ground and pushed against the wall. Also it doesn't have a box spring. Anyway, I've never enjoyed it. Clean sheets are wonderful though, right?

I hope these tips were helpful in keeping your bedroom and bathroom clean and organized! A clean and tidy room definitely helps me be more productive and efficient - I hope it helps you too.

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