This was one of those make-do DIYs...I bought these cards at Hobby Lobby during a sale they were having. I had big plans of illustrating them with watercolors and ink, but when I got home and opened them I realized they were glossy. Oops. No watercoloring! So they sat in my paper box for a few months while I worked on other things.
Yesterday at work, however, I came up with the idea of embroidering them. I've seen people embroider paper before, and it's beautiful. The texture and colors work really well, adding something to the card that wasn't there before. Here's how to make them! You can use any embroidery stitches you like (check out this page on various stitches), but I chose the simple cross stitch to demonstrate.
You will need:
5.5" by 4" card
Sturdy sewing needle (the thicker the better)
Cotton embroidery thread
Cut a length of embroidery thread, as long or as short as you like. Make a knot at one end and thread needle. Begin cross stitching, being careful not to bend or warp the card.
What a clever idea and the possibilities are endless! Thanks for the inspiration :)